Steward of Love

Stewards of Love

Stewards of Love are individuals who help us identify worthy recipients of 
Believe Project envelopes.

We invite you to become 
a Steward of Love

We need your help to find people who need hope and inspiration and for whom $100 will ease a hardship in their life.

It could be someone close 
to you or 
a complete stranger

Become a Steward of Love

Inspire us with your story of someone you believe is in need of being uplifted or feeling cared for. You might even create a small miracle in someone’s life.
The inspirational story you submit can become a life saver.


If your story is chosen you’ll be notified by email from us.

Help us inspire others by sending us a video recording showing you giving the $100 gift as your part in the circle of kindness and inspiration.

We thank you for your contribution to the Believe Project
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